Discipleship Training

SUNDAY Evenings at 7:00PM


❤️ What Is Discipleship? ❤️ 

This series started June 30th and YOU are welcome to drop in any Sunday evening.  We're learning about Jesus' definition of discipleship based upon Ray Vander Laan's study guide from Focus on the Family.  Each Sunday evening, join us in the Meeting/Fellowship Hall where there will be a short video from RVL followed by discussion among the participants using suggested questions/topics from the provided study guide.  

Join in anytime!  It will be running through early September.  If you'd like to reserve a copy of the study guide, just contact Bobby Boggs or text the keyword, BIBLE, to the church at 804.575.5777.

And Just for Men...FIRST SATURDAY Mornings at 9:00AM

(monthly meetings begin Sep 7, 2024)


Previous studies at HopeWELL . . .

Minor Prophets

From Jan-May 2024, we looked at the messages from the minor prophets using Dr. Warren Wiersbe commentary, "Be Amazed"!  Time and time again, these prophets warned God's people that they were straying far from His preferred relationship with them and would undoubtedly suffer consequences.  Yet if they would repent, He could restore that relationship and they would once again be filled with wonder and worship.


For ladies, we periodically also offer shorter sessions on various meaningful topics.  Our most recent was a 7-week study on The Kingdom Parables held on Tuesdays in mid-January through the end of February.

From Sept-Dec 2023, we studied the prophet Isaiah using Dr. Wiersbe's "Be Comforted" commentary and learned that God has always provided a way for us to turn from our sins and be reconciled to Him.


In June 2023, we finished up a 12-week study using "Experiencing God" by Henry & Richard Blackaby and Claude King (2008 revision). Together, we walked through the lessons pointing us to a deeper, richer relationship with God as individuals and as His church body.


Session 1: God's Will and Your Life 
Richard and Henry Blackaby establish foundational principles for knowing and doing the will of God. God's goal is to conform believers to the image of His Son, and the Holy Spirit is our Teacher. God is always at work around us. He wants us to join Him in this work.

Session 2: Looking to God 
In this session the Richard and Henry Blackaby define the radical reorientation required for believers to move from a human-centered life to a God-centered life. God's ways are not our ways, so we must constantly look to Him, listen to Him, and watch to see what His directives are. The timing of His actions always carries eternal dimensions. What God initiates, He also completes.

Session 3: God Pursues a Love Relationship 
This session emphasizes that God pursues us out of His great love. Therefore, He offers us a love relationship, not a religion. When God speaks to us, He has a purpose He wants to accomplish in and through our lives. We show that we love Him when we obey Him.

Session 4: Love and God's Invitation 
One of the most beautiful things about our relationship with God is that He invites us to become involved with Him. God never gives suggestions; He gives commands. And when He does so, He expects immediate obedience. God's commands are not burdensome. They are life. When we obey, we experience the ever-expanding, measureless love of God.

Session 5: God Speaks, Part 1 
We can't learn God's will by trusting in a formula. Because we enjoy a relationship with God, we can hear Him speak to us in specific ways through Scripture and prayer to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways. This session explores Scripture as our guide for hearing God speak and prayer as conversation with the Father.

Session 6: God Speaks, Part 2 
The authors remind us that there are no shortcuts to knowing God. We learn to recognize His voice by spending time with Him. In addition to the Bible and prayer, God speaks to us through circumstances and other believers. A deepening walk of faith means that we increasingly seek God's perspective in every situation.

Session 7: The Crisis of Belief 
When God speaks to us, we face a crisis of belief—to obey or disobey. Unbelief shuts down God's activity, but God can do anything through someone who believes. This session challenges us to answer the question "What has God been asking of you?" He is waiting to do a mighty work through anyone who is willing to step out and believe Him.

Session 8: Adjusting Your Life to God 
In this session the authors point out that it is impossible to stay where we are and go with God at the same time. A call of God requires us to make major adjustments if we are to obey Him and live in His will.

Session 9: Experiencing God Through Obedience 
In a walk with God, there is no substitute for obedience. This session describes the joy, fellowship, and intimacy we experience when we obey God and leave the results to Him. All the power of heaven is available to help us obey anything God tells us to do.

Session 10: God's Will and the Church 
The authors explore ways God's body, the church, experiences His presence and power as it seeks and obeys His will. God is the author of the church, and His Son is its head. God has a specific assignment for each local church, and He builds each one according to His purposes.

Session 11: Kingdom People 
In this session the authors help us picture the grand scope of God's kingdom purposes. God's plan has always been for His disciples to take the good news to the ends of the earth. As God's people go, so goes the redemption of the rest of the world. A healthy kingdom citizen not only evangelizes but also makes disciples.

Session 12: Experiencing God in Your Daily Life 
Each step of obedience to God leads to increasing experiences of God's greatness. The final session describes a way of life in which believers open our eyes to see what God is doing all around us. He invites us to discover where He is working and to join Him in His work every day.



Spiritual Gifts